Company History | IPUS Limited Home

IPUS History

IPUS works with our partners to provide solutions for you

Key footprints

  • Jun.2022 : Released "UcanCatHome" in Apple AppStore.
  • May.2019 : Start promoting High Bandwidth memory technology introduced by UltraMemoryInc.
  • Apr.2019 : Start promoting APMemory brand IoTRAM
  • Jan.2018 : Start shipping of IPUS Brand 64Mbit IoTRAM
  • Nov.2017 : Start promoting NOR and EEPROM from Puya Semiconductors
  • Apr.2016 : Start shipping of IPUS Brand 32Mbit IoTRAM
  • Jun.2014 : Start promoting LPDRAM technology from APMemory Inc.
  • Mar.2014 : Established in Hong Kong
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